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Milestone: Hydrospider distributes 1,000 tonnes of green hydrogen

Olten/Niedergösgen, 5 June 2024 − Since 2020, Hydrospider and its partners, the Förderverein H2-Mobilität Schweiz and Hyundai Hydrogen Mobility, have successfully established a unique ecosystem in Switzerland for the procurement, production and logistics of green hydrogen from CO2-free production using renewable hydropower.  

The company has now reached the next important milestone in its business development: the first 1,000 tonnes of green hydrogen have just been delivered by Hydrospider.  

At the site in Niedergösgen (SO), the 2 MW electrolysis plant at Alpiq's Gösgen run-of-river power plant can produce up to 300 tonnes of hydrogen per year. This is enough to supply 40 to 50 lorries or 1700 cars per year. Hydrospider's green hydrogen is currently used as fuel by around 20 operators of fuel cell electric lorries. The entire fleet of H2 trucks has covered over 9 million kilometres to date, saving more than 7,000 tonnes of CO2.  

Nicolas Crettenand, CEO of Hydrospider: “We are delighted that we at Hydrospider have reached 1,000 tonnes of green hydrogen for the first time. This is an important milestone for us as a company. It shows that our ecosystem promotes sustainable mobility. We at Hydrospider are convinced that green hydrogen can also make an important contribution to the decarbonisation of heavy goods transport in Switzerland in the future.” 

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